How do you start a basic garden?

How to Start a Garden: 10 Basic StepsDecide what you would like to grow, Choose a location, plan your garden beds, invest in basic garden tools, test your soil, prepare the soil, choose the right seeds or transplants, plant with care. Either way, work the soil only when it's wet enough to form a loose ball in your fist, but dry enough to melt when you release it. Digging when the soil is too dry is a harder job and can damage the soil structure if it is too wet. Use a shovel or spade fork to gently twist the top 6 to 8 inches of soil, mixing the organic matter from Step 4 at the same time.

Walking on prepared beds compacts the floor, so place plywood boards temporarily to distribute your weight evenly. Seedlings should never be allowed to dry out, so water daily. It narrows as the plants grow. Transplants also need frequent watering (about every other day) until their roots are established.

After that, how often you need to water depends on soil, humidity, and rainfall, though once a week is a good place to start. Clay soil dries more slowly than sandy soil, so you won't need to water it as often. Sunny and windy conditions dry the soil more quickly than cold, cloudy weather. Not sure yet? Feel the soil 3-4 inches below the surface.

If you're feeling dry, it's time to water. Water slowly and deeply, so water absorbs rather than drains. To minimize evaporation, water early in the morning. Make your dreams of growing a reality with these 10 easy-to-follow tips.

Misjudging sunlight is a common mistake when learning to garden for the first time. Pay attention to how the sunlight reproduces in your patio before choosing a place for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sunshine to thrive. Knowing your hardiness zone can help you choose the best plants.

In a nutshell, it describes the coldest place a plant can grow in. The higher the zone number, the warmer the climate. Therefore, if a plant is resistant to zone 4 and you grow in zone 5, that plant will survive in your garden. However, if you're in zone 3, it's too cold to grow that particular plant.

Start by mowing the lawn in the planting area as short as possible. Then lower the area with a hose to fully moisten it. Then cover the area with a clear plastic tarp that has been cut to the desired size of your new garden space. Weigh the edges of the plastic (with bricks, for example) to keep it in place.

With moderate sun exposure, the floor under the plastic can heat up to about 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This will burn live grass, weeds, and seeds, and kill bacteria in the soil. Here are some great things about gardening for beginners and how to start a garden in 8 easy steps. When starting a garden, one of the best tips is to invest in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil.

Whether you're starting out, doing maintenance, or troubleshooting, you'll find tips and answers for all your gardening needs here. These steps will help you start from scratch, but if you have something in mind, you can also use a garden plan to guide your design. Here is an example of a beginner family garden that mainly uses the common, easy-to-grow vegetables listed above. Plus, no matter how healthy your land is, you can't go wrong adding compost to it when you start a garden.

Specially designed containers or floors for seedlings and soil mixtures starting with seeds are available at garden centers. In addition to understanding the basic requirements about the plants you selected for your garden, you will also need to develop some skills in garden design. My mother has always had a hard time setting up a garden, since she has always been taking care of me and my siblings. Since my younger sister started college this year, my mother should finally have time to create a garden where she can grow her vegetables and any other plants she wants.


Phil Turner
Phil Turner

Incurable beer advocate. Hardcore coffee practitioner. Professional travel buff. Typical food scholar. Devoted beer ninja.